Describe your Apple II system(s).

This forum is for the discussion of the CFFA for Apple II project.

Moderator: rich

Postby mark_c » Fri Oct 18, 2002 9:13 am

excluding my PCs and Macs, just my Apple //'s are...

Apple //c
+Monitor //c +Stand
-1MB Apple RAM
+3.5" UniDisk
+5.25 Disk //c
+Apple RF Modulator
(faulty Mouse Port)

Apple //c
+shared Monitor //
+Apple RF Modulator
(faulty internal drive)

Apple //e Enhanced (by me)
+Monitor //
-Apple Super Serial +Apple ImageWriter II
+Apple Sheet Feeder (intermittant feed)
-AP64e EPROM Burner, or
16 bit I/O card (home built)
-RamWorks Basic compatable-500K
-Apple Mouse //
-Z80 1MHz MS compatable
-5.25 Controller-Duodisk
-Apple PAL Encoder

Apple //e Platinum
+Apple Composite Monitor
+No Slot Clock
-Digicard Parallel +Epson LQ1170
-Apple Super Serial +Banksia 14.4K MyFast Modem
-AE Ramworks III-1MB
-PCPI AppleCard Z80-6MHz-64K
-Laser UDC Card +Apple 3.5 Drive
-5.25 Controller +5.25 Drive

Apple IIGS ROM-1
+Apple RGB Monitor
+Apple 3.5 +Apple 3.5 +Apple 5.25 +Apple 5.25
+AE Conserver (custom modified for 240V)
-Vitesse Quickie Scanner
-Apple High Speed SCSI
+500MB Quantum
+Apple CD 150
-Computer Eyes GS
-Sirius RAM 8MB

Apple IIGS ROM-3
+Apple RGB
+Apple 3.5 +Apple 3.5
-AE Transwarp GS 10MHz 32K cache v1.8
-AE Audio Animator
-AE PC Transporter +Dual 5.25 Transdrive +AMR 3.5 drive +RGB Auto-Video Switch
-Focus Drive 750MB
-GS Juice Plus 4MB
(faulty PCT drive chip and intermittant TWGS)

Apple //eGS Platinum ROM-1 (custom built)
+Apple 3.5
+Apple 5.25
+Monitor // (Platinum)
-CFFA 16M Sandisk
-AE GS RAM Ultra 4MB
+GS Mouse

Apple ImageWriter II (version 2)
+LocalTalk Option

Apple LaserWriter Select 360 -16MB

otherwise my setup is almost as bad as Barts Network From Heck, although my PC/Mac/GS network works better than Barts in some areas. ;-)
in Oz

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: mark_c on 2003-08-03 07:44 ]</font>
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Postby h.katz » Thu Jan 09, 2003 9:54 pm

I had a chance today to try the CFFA in a
Laser 128ex, plugging it into the side of
the computer, as slot 7. I used the
CF I've been using in my //e, so it was
already formatted and set up to run, and
it worked very well! I didn't have a chance
to see how it would work formatting a new
CF, but the card does seem to be compatible
with this computer.
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Postby WilliK » Thu Jan 30, 2003 9:26 pm


I acquired a Microtech PCD-47. That's a SCSI reader/writer that can accept Compact Flash, SmartMedia and PCMCIA cards. I found that it will work with an Apple DMA SCSI card but that it will not work with an Apple revision "C" card or with a long RAMFast card.

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Postby Mr. Cellophane » Sat Jul 19, 2003 4:19 pm

Apple IIe Enhanced (Soon in custom Case)
Ramworks III w/ RGB option w/1024kb
Super Serial Card
Transwarp IIe @ 3.7mhz
CFFA w/ 340mb IBM Microdrive
Microsoft CP/M Clone card
Apple Mouse Card
No Slot Clock

Apple IIc+ Stock

Apple IIgs Rom 01 (+5 +12 Gnd Upgraded)
Transwarp GS W/ 32kb Cache @ 12.5mhz
Sirus Ram GS W/ 8mb Ram
Computer Eyes GS
LanCE GS ethernet
Apple Rev C SCSI W/ CD600 Drive (Soon)
Focus Drive 740mb
Last edited by Mr. Cellophane on Wed Feb 09, 2005 8:27 pm, edited 6 times in total.
Mr. Cellophane
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Postby jbevren » Thu Jul 31, 2003 3:25 pm

Vanilla ROM01 IIgs with the AE 2meg ram card.
Two Apple 3.5 drives
CCFA with 128megs

Dead PRAM battery :sad:

Works great :wink: With and without the GS/OS driver.

Great work Rich!

PS: How about a Commodore/Atari version? *ducks!*
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Postby emersonwsm » Tue Dec 07, 2004 8:54 am

- Brazilian Apple II+ clone with 64KB and CP/M-Z80 on board, communication card (old serial), Grappler+, EPROM programmer card, DiskII interface (with one slim and one full box drives), CFFA v1.3 with 32MB CF card;

- TK3000IIe (IIe's brazilian clone) with 512KB TKWorks (RAMWorks clone), Superserial, brazilian parallel interface (latin caracters in ROM), CP/M-Z80, DiskII interface (with one slim drive) and CFFA v1.3 with 540MB HD;

- IIgs ROM3, 1.25MB (without expansion), DiskII interface (with one slin drive), CFFA v1.3 with 1.3GB notebook HD.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: emersonwsm on 2004-12-07 08:55 ]</font>
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Postby tachyon » Tue Dec 14, 2004 8:13 pm

I will be running my CFFA card in an Apple IIGS ROM-01 machine with 2 3.5" drives and an AE RAM card populated to 1MB (Looks like an 8MB card).
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The "Max" IIe

Postby gsmcporet » Sat Dec 17, 2005 4:59 pm

Hi Rich and All,

Well, the "Max" IIe project is underway. An Enhanced IIe board, CFFA Card with 64Meg in Slot 7, a Sprint Disk Accelerator Card in Slot 1, a Ram Works III fully loaded in Slot 2, a Super Serial II Card for the ImageWriter II Printer in Slot 4, an Input / Output card for the 5 1/4"Duo-Disk Drive in Slot 5, and a 3.5" Drive Controller Card in Slot 6.

I am waiting on the 3.5" Controller Card right now. You know how hard a working one is to come by. lol

I have one flash card for Prodos and one for dos.

I plan on switching out the CFFA card for testing each of the II's, II Plusses, IIe's, and IIgs's that I am rebuilding.

Merry Christmas Everyone!

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My Apple ][ Collection...

Postby Alejandro Cordero » Wed Feb 01, 2006 12:44 am

Hi Rich and all you guys there... (Great Forum by the way)

I got my first Apple //e when I was at grammar school, a gift from my parents. From there it's been all Apple (and Mac of course) for me.

I have had several Apples but right now I have these ones:

1 Apple //+ with original Disk ][
2 Apple //e (Rom 1) the beige with monochrome monitors
1 Apple //e Platinum (enhanced //e) in mint condition with original color //e monitor.
1 Apple //c in excellent shape with no yellowing (still looking for a //c+)
1 Rom 1 Woz Edition Apple //gs
1 Rom 3 Apple //gs
1 beige 2.52 Duodisk
2 Platinum Single 5.25 drives
4 Platinum 3.5 drives
1 AE RamWorks (installed on the //e)
1 AE GSRam Ultra (installed on my Rom 3 //gs)
Several other cards, mouse cards, Z-80, I/O, Serial, Parallel, AE Clock, GraphiPrint, etc.
Joysticks, Keypads, //e System Saver and lots of original Apple // disks. Two Imagewriter // printers in almost mint condition and 3 Imagewriter LQ. Too big to have them out of the storage room!
I even have a great Color Classic (575 upgraded) with an Apple //e card that works beautifully...

I have a vast collection of other Apple and Macintosh products but we'll leave that for later...

I have collected these for years but in my first attempt to raise some money to buy my first Mac (many years ago) I sold everything I had... Shame on me! The biggest mistake I have made so far (concerning computers, of course!) ;)

I sold both my //es, my //c and my //gs with and Audio Animator, a GS Ram Ultra, a PC Transporter, the //e with the Ramworks, etc...

The bad thing is that I lost track of the persons who bought my stuff at that moment so I couldn't get them back. The nice thing is that I have been "finding" scattered pieces around. I recently found almost my whole collection of disks, my name was still on the stickers and this guy was about to trash them because they took a lot of space in his laboratory.

I am starting to put everything back in shape. So far I have modified a non working drive to convert it into an excellent "disk cleaning system". You put a little cotton, a drop of alcohol, pop in a dirty disk and viola! A clean disk free of mildew and dirt. Now I need to clean the rest of the 500 disks!

I found this site while searching for some info on an Apple // card and think is great. I also think everyone here has great stuff and that we should upload some pictures of our systems to share with everyone here. I'll try to put in shape some of my stuff and link some pictures...

Alejandro Cordero
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It's a 1 GB, or greater, CF world.

Postby tom » Tue Apr 18, 2006 9:07 am


Just a note about my delayed response. I relocated to Florida, downsized the house (hobby space) and this is the first time I've been able to think about setting up my Apple II. I ordered the CFFA about a year ago. I traded my first Apple II for a IBM PC when the PCs first came out. (Because I thought I would never have an Apple II again I gave away all the software I wrote. Ouch!) I now have two Apple IIes and a ROM1 and a ROM3 GS they I bought off ebay for little more than the price of shipping a few years back. Your CFFA has given new life to running the Apple II. Thanks!

I initally ran the CFFA (with vbriel's Double.DOS image) in my ROM3 GS in place of a Focus 740mb HD. But the reason I got the CFFA was to run in my IIe.
Apple IIe: Applied Eng RamworksII 1MB and Apple monochrome monitor (planning on replacing this with composite ->XGA monitor)

- Z80 1MHz
- Apple Super Serial
- Disk Interface Card
- IO Controller
- CFFA Run 3 v1.4 with 48M/128/256 Sandisks


It is getting difficult to find "small" CFs such as 128M. Any thoughts about bank selecting (8x128MB) on a 1GB CF? Just about all of the Apple II world could be stored in that one little bottle.

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my systems

Postby RWallmow » Tue Apr 18, 2006 6:00 pm

ROM1 Woz //gs - IIgs RGB monitor.
4mb - GarberStreet RAM4GS Rev2
Grapler - ProGrapler Parallel card
PC Transporter
Uthernet ethernet adapter
CFFA # 4013 - 4GB CF microdrive (apple branded pulled from an upgraded ipod ;-)
Apple Rev C SCSI with 2GB Jaz drive hanging on it.

Apple ][+ - Apple color composite.
64k / 80col card
Apple Disk II controller with RANA Disk II clone
Apple dumpling Parallel card
Super Serial card
Uthernet etherent adapter
Hayes internal 1200 baud modem
updated keyboard encoder with PS2 port for external PC keyboard (many of the keyswitches on stock KB are shot)
(planning on a CFFA3000 for this when its released)

Apple //c - //c green Monitor
(my first computer, got 2nd hand in 1990ish)
External 5.25

Apple IIc+ currently with TV as monitor (recent score, havn't got it a dedicated monitor yet)

Macs = SE FDHD, Beige G3 both with 2GB Jaz drives used for transferring software/disks between each other and to the IIgs
Last edited by RWallmow on Thu Dec 02, 2010 11:17 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Darth Vader II Project

Postby gsmcporet » Mon Jun 18, 2007 6:24 pm

Hi Rich and All,

Well, a new year... a new project. This is a Bell and Howell Apple II+ with all the bells and whistles.

It has the Audio / Visual package attached. Which has been temporarily removed for cleaning, etc. including the keyboard. The keyboard was completely cleaned, key by key. The pan has been stripped of all rust and grime and given a new interior coat of Haze Gray paint.

This one still has the back plane, so it's getting a good cleaning too.

- Installed 32k memory card
- An accelerator card
- A 1 meg memory card
- Serial II card
- 5.25 Controller card
- 3.5 Controller card
- CFFA card

I'm taking my time with it, although it's just about ready for reassembly and testing.

I'll let you know how it's coming.

Steven (gsmcporet)
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Re: Darth Vader II Project

Postby oraclemaster » Thu Dec 06, 2007 8:42 am

Hi Rich,

I got my first Apple II (clone) in 1983 and it still works!!!
Now I have:

Apple IIGS Rom 1
AE 4Mb GS-ram ultra
5.25 drive Apple
2 x 3.5 drive Apple
CFFA Card with 1Gb CF (3 x 32 Mb prodos, 1 x 32 MB HFS, 840 Mb GNO prodos)
Grappler +
Modem card Prometheus 1200A-2
Apple Joystick
Rgb to Scart cable

Apple IIGS ROM 1(Music)
Apple 1Mb expansion
3.5 drive Apple
5.25 drive Apple
AE Sonic Blaster
SCSI card Apple rev. C
Apple CD SC+
Iomega ZIP SCSI 100Mb

Apple IIe
64KB 80 column card
Apple SSC
Apple parallel Interface
Apple I/O controller
5.25 drive Apple
Apple Mouse IIe
Apple Joystick
Apple Pal Encoder

Apple II+ italian clone
Z80 CP/M card
128 Mb Saturn Clone
Super Serial Card clone
Monitor Philips PT200 green
AP64e EPROM Burner
5.25 disk controller Apple
5.25 drive Apple
5.25 drive clone
Joystick clone

MAC LC with Apple IIe card
5.25 drive Apple
Joystick Kraft KC3

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New to the game

Postby Anonymous » Fri Mar 28, 2008 6:04 am

So far my setup is as follows

Apple IIgs with Rom 01
1.2 Meg Ram
2x 3.5" Disk Drives
1x 5 1/4 Floppy Drive
Apple RGB Monitor
Mouse and Keyboard
Its very clean , cept maybe the keyboard.
A bunch of floppies running 6.01

Apple IIc - Not sure if it runs yet , no power supply

In the mail arriving soon is a IIe Enhanced

I am a Mac repair tech so I also have a crap load of macs to play with.

15" Macbook Pro - Running OS 10.5 with Virtual ][ and XP
G4 - Powermac
Macpro Quad Core 2.0ghz with 4gig ram
G3 - Clamshell for my daughter
High end PC with 2x 1gb ATI Radeons heh

New Year...New Stuff!!

Postby gsmcporet » Sat May 10, 2008 6:40 pm

Hi Rich and all,

Well the Max IIe and Darth Vader projects are complete and tested. The new build is a IIgs (1 Meg,ROM 3) with the following so far:

- 4 Meg RAM in Memory Slot
- CFFA Card with 128 Meg in Slot Seven
- 5.25 Disk Controller in Slot Six
- 3.5 Disk Drive from Port 5
- Slot 4 Empty at this time
- Slot 3 Empty
- 56K Modem from port 2
- Slot 1 Empty at this time

I am considering going up to GSE Reactive and getting a faster CPU. I have also been starting to delve into the world of Disk Images. I now have Cider Press, but have to print out the manual so I can start learning how to download programs from different sites and convert them for use. I received your e-mail tday about shipment Rich. I hope Run 6 is just as popular with everyone as it is with me. Heres to the next one.

Best Regards,
Steven (gsmcporet) :)

Apple II "It's Alive!!!"
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