Experts, pls help - BASIC programming on Apple II emulators

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Experts, pls help - BASIC programming on Apple II emulators

Postby kastel20 » Thu Nov 20, 2008 10:25 pm


Firstly, i've looked EVERYWHERE on the net for information on this for the past few days. I've given up, so i have searched for "apple II discussion forums" and came across this page. If this post is completely unrelated, could someone please tell me a good site/resource/forum for help on this..

Okay... i owned an Apple IIe throughout childhood, and recently i decided to find an Apple IIe emulator for Windows (Applewin) to start learning some basic programming for a bit of fun.

Seems simple enough, I have a book with a list of graphics examples that i want to learn, so im interested in typing up these example basic programs in something like notepad, and then saving them as a DSK image and mounting the disk in the emulator... This is where i am having trouble.

All id simply like to do is save the basic programs as files and import them into a disk image. But i dont know what software to use (must be windows compatible), and i dont know what file extension to save the basic programs as and then how to load the disk (i honestly forget, its been over 15 years)...

Can anyone help me out here? Really, it would help if you could jsut tell me what file format to save the basic programs as and how to run them in the emulator... it would be so much easier if apple IIe emulators supported copy and paste of basic programs...

Thanks alot, this is greatly appreciated!!
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Re: Experts, pls help - BASIC programming on Apple II emulators

Postby Ivan X » Sat Jan 03, 2009 6:35 am

What you want to do is not as easy as it sounds, because AppleSoft BASIC programs aren't stored as text files. The text you see in the program listing is stored as machine code. The only way to do what you want is to use disk image management software like CiderPress to copy your Notepad file (type .txt) to a bootable disk image (can be DOS 3.3 or ProDOS+BASIC.SYSTEM). You can then boot the disk in the emulator, and type NEW and then EXEC MYFILE (where MYFILE is your file). This will have the effect of "typing" the text file into AppleSoft. You can then type SAVE MYFILE to save it as a proper AppleSoft file. This may not really work reliably.

You'll probably be better off typing your programs directly into AppleSoft -- it'll be easier to debug them that way as well -- and then if you want to export them to a Windows text file, CiderPress can do that for you.
Ivan X
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Re: Experts, pls help - BASIC programming on Apple II emulators

Postby david__schmidt » Fri Jan 30, 2009 2:42 pm

[quote="kastel20"]Seems simple enough, I have a book with a list of graphics examples that i want to learn, so im interested in typing up these example basic programs in something like notepad, and then saving them as a DSK image and mounting the disk in the emulator... This is where i am having trouble.[/quote]
You want WASP:

Here's an announcement for WASP, along with a great place to talk about Apple II programming: ... ec73eab83e
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Re: Experts, pls help - BASIC programming on Apple II emulat

Postby Keatah » Sun Dec 01, 2013 7:04 am

Why not just OCR them into MS Word or NotePad. Or manually type them in.
Then copy to clipboard, and paste into Applewin, then save the program!

Can't get simpler than that!
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