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Run #2 is warming up, with new firmware for all

PostPosted: Wed May 30, 2012 11:29 am
by david__schmidt
As you can see on Rich's front page, he has been busy this Spring ordering circuit boards and parts to do another production run of the CFFA3000. In the mean time, Dave the Firmware Guy is busy improving the firmware - and that will benefit all CFFA3000 users, not just the run #2 folks. And I signed on for another stint of testing, so you get to hear more of my commentary. ;-)

I just got new CPLD (the really low-level code) and firmware (the mid-level code) from Dave, and am checking out the performance enhancements as well as the beginnings of subdirectory/folder support. There's a new read-ahead cache, managed by the card, that will benefit ProDOS sequential block reads. Plus lots of code streamlining (as well as divergent code paths for GS vs. non-GS machines) that has performance benefits as well.

Rich has been working on getting DMA to work, but hasn't met with enough success to make a commitment to it. So don't get your hearts set on that.

We've got a list of other feature requests from the forum and elsewhere, and I'll keep you updated on what gets implemented this go-round.

Re: Run #2 is warming up, with new firmware for all

PostPosted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 3:42 pm
by david__schmidt
A test batch of Run #2 has arrived. I'm currently testing card #2 from that batch:
DSCF2284a.jpg (65.63 KiB) Viewed 26105 times

DSCF2285a.jpg (84.59 KiB) Viewed 26105 times

There's no physical differences between this run and the earlier one.