CF Type I / II supported? SD Wifi?

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CF Type I / II supported? SD Wifi?

Postby roughana » Sun Jul 13, 2014 10:12 pm

What types of Compact Flash card are supported in the CFFA3000?
I've seen Type I and Type II advertised - apparently the width is different Type I 3mm and Type II 5mm.
There's nothing in the manual about this.

Also, I've recently become aware that there are SD to CF adapters and apparently they work. However do the SD Wifi cards work?

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Re: CF Type I / II supported? SD Wifi?

Postby david__schmidt » Mon Jul 14, 2014 6:01 am

The Type I/II distinction is about how much "headroom" the CF card needs above the sliding rails (the rails are in the same place for both). Since there's no box bounding the CF card in the CFFA3000, there's no need for specifying one or the other. They both fit.

As for adapters and such... as long as it looks electrically and electronically like a CF card to the CFFA3000, it should work. If it looks like something else, it won't. Not having seen a Wifi card, I don't know what they look like.

A USB hub is a good example of something we know won't work on the USB side of things... it has to look like a simple, single "drive" and nothing else. I did try one of those USB-USB machine interconnect thingies from Targus - it was supposed to make remote storage from another machine look like a USB stick. It didn't work.
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